Merge branch 'dev' into renovate/uvloop-0.x

This commit is contained in:
Profitroll 2023-10-29 19:29:33 +02:00
commit 9e8034323b
5 changed files with 176 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any
class Importer(ABC):
The Importer class represents the object with
functionality to import/export garbage collection
records and convert them to other object types.
async def import_data(self, data: Any) -> None:
async def export_data(self, data: Any) -> None:

classes/importer/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
from codecs import decode
from csv import DictReader
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
from bson import ObjectId
from classes.importer.abstract import Importer
from modules.database import col_entries
class ImporterCSV(Importer):
The ImporterCSV class represents the object with
functionality to import/export garbage collection
records and convert them to other object types
from CSV files.
def __init__(self):
super(Importer, self).__init__()
async def import_data(self, data: bytes) -> List[ObjectId]:
entries: List[Dict[str, Any]] = list(
DictReader(decode(data).split("\n"), delimiter=";")
for entry in entries:
entry["locations"] = (
if "," not in entry["locations"]
else [int(id) for id in entry["locations"].split(",")]
entry["garbage_type"] = int(entry["garbage_type"])
for key in ("locations", "garbage_type", "date"):
if (
key not in entry
or (key == "garbage_type" and not isinstance(entry[key], int))
or (key == "locations" and not isinstance(entry[key], list))
raise ValueError
if key == "date":
except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
raise ValueError from exc
entries_clean: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int, datetime]]] = [
"locations": entry["locations"],
"garbage_type": entry["garbage_type"],
"date": datetime.fromisoformat(str(entry["date"])),
for entry in entries
inserted = await col_entries.insert_many(entries_clean)
return [] if inserted is None else inserted.inserted_ids
async def export_data(self, data: Any) -> Any:
return None

classes/importer/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
from bson import ObjectId
from ujson import loads
from classes.importer.abstract import Importer
from modules.database import col_entries
class ImporterJSON(Importer):
The ImporterJSON class represents the object with
functionality to import/export garbage collection
records and convert them to other object types
from JSON files.
def __init__(self):
super(Importer, self).__init__()
async def import_data(self, data: bytes) -> List[ObjectId]:
entries: List[Dict[str, Any]] = loads(data)
for entry in entries:
for key in ("locations", "garbage_type", "date"):
if (
key not in entry
or (key == "garbage_type" and not isinstance(entry[key], int))
or (key == "locations" and not isinstance(entry[key], list))
print("keys", entry)
raise ValueError
if key == "date":
except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
print("date", entry)
raise ValueError from exc
entries_clean: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int, datetime]]] = [
"locations": entry["locations"],
"garbage_type": entry["garbage_type"],
"date": datetime.fromisoformat(str(entry["date"])),
for entry in entries
inserted = await col_entries.insert_many(entries_clean)
return [] if inserted is None else inserted.inserted_ids
async def export_data(self, data: Any) -> Any:
return None

View File

@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
"help": "🔔 This bot sends you notifications about garbage collection according to your local schedule.\n\n**Available commands**\n/help - Show this message\n/setup - Select the location\n/toggle - Disable/enable the reminders\n/set_time - Set the reminders' time\n/set_offset - Set offset between reminders and collection\n/upcoming - Show the upcoming collection\n/language - Select the bot's language\n/checkout - Export or remove your data\n\n💭 You can also suggest adding your town/district to the bot by contacting the admins using [this link]({url_contact}) and providing your schedule.\n\n⚙ Want to host this bot yourself or make some changes? It's open-source, so you can basically fork it. Take a look at [bot's repository]({url_repo}) for details.\n\nHappy using! 🤗",
"import_finished": "You have successfully inserted {count} entries.",
"import_invalid_date": "Entries contain invalid date formats. Use **ISO 8601** date format.",
"import_invalid_filetype": "Invalid input. Please, send me a JSON file with entries. {cancel_notice}",
"import_invalid": "This is not a valid garbage collection JSON.",
"import": "Alright. Send me a valid JSON.",
"import_invalid_filetype": "Invalid input. Please, send me a JSON or CSV file with entries. {cancel_notice}",
"import_invalid": "This is not a valid garbage collection file.",
"import": "Alright. Send me a valid file. It can be in JSON or CSV format. Read more about supported formats in the documentation",
"locale_choice": "Alright. Please choose the language using keyboard below.",
"location_empty": "You have no location set. Use /setup to select your location first.",
"location_name_empty": "Could not find any locations by this name. Try rephrasing it or make sure you use the same location language and name itself as it in written by your local authorities in garbage collection schedule.\n\n{cancel_notice}",

View File

@ -1,33 +1,26 @@
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Mapping, Union
from convopyro import listen_message
from pyrogram import filters
from pyrogram.types import ForceReply, Message, ReplyKeyboardRemove
from ujson import loads
from classes.importer.csv import ImporterCSV
from classes.importer.json import ImporterJSON
from classes.pyroclient import PyroClient
from modules import custom_filters
from modules.database import col_entries
~filters.scheduled & filters.private & custom_filters.owner & filters.command(["import"], prefixes=["/"]) & ~custom_filters.context # type: ignore
~filters.scheduled & filters.private & custom_filters.owner & filters.command(["import"], prefixes=["/"]) # type: ignore
async def command_import(app: PyroClient, message: Message):
user = await app.find_user(message.from_user)
await message.reply_text(
app._("import", "messages", locale=user.locale),
placeholder=app._("import", "force_replies", locale=user.locale)
while True:
answer = await listen_message(app,, 300)
if answer is None or answer.text == "/cancel":
await message.reply_text(
@ -36,7 +29,10 @@ async def command_import(app: PyroClient, message: Message):
if answer.document is None or answer.document.mime_type != "application/json":
if answer.document is None or answer.document.mime_type not in [
await answer.reply_text(
app._("import_invalid_filetype", "messages", locale=user.locale).format(
cancel_notice=app._("cancel", "messages", locale=user.locale)
@ -48,51 +44,36 @@ async def command_import(app: PyroClient, message: Message):
file = await app.download_media(answer, in_memory=True)
entries: List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int]]] = loads(bytes(file.getbuffer())) # type: ignore
data: bytes = bytes(file.getbuffer()) # type: ignore
for entry in entries:
if not isinstance(entries, list):
await answer.reply_text(
app._("import_invalid", "messages", locale=user.locale),
# I'd like to replace it with switch-case, but 3.9 compatibility
# is still more important to be there. Although refactor may be
# done in the near future as Python 3.9 EOL gets nearer.
if answer.document.mime_type == "application/json":
importer = ImporterJSON()
elif answer.document.mime_type == "text/csv":
importer = ImporterCSV()
await answer.reply_text(
app._("import_invalid_filetype", "messages", locale=user.locale).format(
for key in ("locations", "garbage_type", "date"):
if (
key not in entry
or (key == "garbage_type" and not isinstance(entry[key], int))
or (key == "locations" and not isinstance(entry[key], list))
await answer.reply_text(
app._("import_invalid", "messages", locale=user.locale),
if key == "date":
except (ValueError, TypeError):
await answer.reply_text(
app._("import_invalid_date", "messages", locale=user.locale),
entries_clean: List[Mapping[str, Union[str, int, datetime]]] = [
"locations": entry["locations"],
"garbage_type": entry["garbage_type"],
"date": datetime.fromisoformat(str(entry["date"])),
for entry in entries
await col_entries.insert_many(entries_clean)
import_result = await importer.import_data(data)
except ValueError:
await answer.reply_text(
app._("import_invalid", "messages", locale=user.locale),
await answer.reply_text(
app._("import_finished", "messages", locale=user.locale).format(