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2023-08-27 23:43:16 +03:00
import logging
from convopyro import listen_message
from libbot import i18n
from pykeyboard import ReplyButton, ReplyKeyboard
from pyrogram import filters
from pyrogram.types import Message, ReplyKeyboardRemove
from classes.pyroclient import PyroClient
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
~filters.scheduled & filters.private & filters.command(["setup"] + i18n.sync.in_all_locales("configure", "buttons"), prefixes=["/", ""]) # type: ignore
async def command_setup(app: PyroClient, message: Message):
user = await app.find_user(message.from_user)
await message.reply_text(
"Holy... This one is still WIP...", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()
# # City selection
# city_names = [ for city_iter in await app.get_cities()]
# keyboard_cities = ReplyKeyboard(resize_keyboard=True, row_width=2)
# keyboard_cities.add(*[ReplyButton(name) for name in city_names])
# await message.reply_text(
# "Alright. Please, use the keyboard provided to choose your town.",
# reply_markup=keyboard_cities,
# )
# while True:
# answer_city = await listen_message(app,, 300)
# if answer_city is None or answer_city.text == "/cancel":
# await message.reply_text("Cancelled.")
# return
# if answer_city.text not in city_names:
# await answer_city.reply_text(
# "Please, select a valid town using keyboard provided. Use /cancel if you want to cancel this operation."
# )
# continue
# break
# # City recognition
# city = await app.find_city(name=answer_city.text)
# # District selection
# district_names = [ for district_iter in city.districts]
# keyboard_districts = ReplyKeyboard(resize_keyboard=True, row_width=2)
# keyboard_districts.add(*[ReplyButton(name) for name in district_names])
# await message.reply_text(
# "Alright. Please, use the keyboard provided to choose your district.",
# reply_markup=keyboard_districts,
# )
# while True:
# answer_district = await listen_message(app,, 300)
# if answer_district is None or answer_district.text == "/cancel":
# await message.reply_text("Cancelled.")
# return
# if answer_district.text not in district_names:
# await answer_district.reply_text(
# "Please, select a valid district using keyboard provided. Use /cancel if you want to cancel this operation."
# )
# continue
# break
# # District recognition
# district_results = city.find_district(answer_district.text)
# if len(district_results) == 0:
# await answer_district.reply_text(
# "Something went wrong. Could not find this district in the database.",
# reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove(),
# )
# return
# district = district_results[0]
# await user.update_city(
# await user.update_district(
# "User %s has finished the location set up with city %s and district %s selected",
# )
# notice = "" if user.enabled else "Execute /toggle to enable notifications."
# await answer_district.reply_text(
# f"All set! You will now receive notification about garbage collection in district **{}** of the town **{}**. {notice}",
# reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove(),
# )